Welcome to Schulmate, a comprehensive software solution designed to simplify school management. Whether you are a principal, teacher, parent, or student, our platform streamlines operations, enhances communication, and improves efficiency.
Save Time with Automated Notifications
Track Exams and Reports in Real-Time
Simplify Communication with Parents and Teachers
Institute Info
You can set your all institute info like logo, name, etc.. which will display on every printable documents and reports
Class Management
This school management software manage your classes in an easy way. starts from students to subjects, exams to marks
Exams Management
schulmate has a complete solution for exams management starting from new exam to final result, reports and result cards
Attendance Management
Our school software has outstanding online attendance management system for students and staff
You can print all the reports and letters like.. class timetables, attendance, exam schedules and result cards etc
Browser Notifications
This software allow schools to instantly inform parents, students, and staff about important updates, such as upcoming exams, attendance alerts, or school events